Professori Yrjö Kukkapuron Moderno-klassikkotuolisarjaan kuuluu ympäriverhoiltujaa lepotuoleja, verhoiltuja ja verhoilemattomia tuoleja ja baarituoleja. Moderno on muotokieleltään ajaton ja istuinmukavuudeltaan ihana! Kevyt ja kestävä Moderno-tuoli soveltuu moneen käyttöön. Leikittele lukemattomilla pulverimaalien sävyillä ja verhoilumateriaaleilla.
Petsattu (valkoinen): Stained (white)
Petsattu (pähkinä): Stained (walnut)
Petsattu (wenge): Stained (wenge)
Petsattu (musta): Stained (black)
Standard colors RAL 9005 black, RAL 9016 white, RAL 9006 light grey and RAL 9007 dark grey. You can also use Tikkurila's RAL Classic color chart when choosing furniture colors.
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From the same collection
Yrjö Kukkapuro
Professor Yrjö Kukkapuro's work is characterized by strict form control and thoughtful use of details. Throughout the decades, his ideal has been the human body and its principles. Kukkapuro has been the chief designer at Haimi Oy, Lepokalusto Oy, and Avarte Oy. He is known as a designer of public spaces and a solid collaborator with the architectural community. Thus, every Finn has likely sat in one of his designed chairs while visiting a bank, theater, auditorium, or hospital. Lepo Product manufactures Kukkapuro's first successful collection, Moderno (1958-62).